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Autumn Descent

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happy autumnal equinox everybody!

Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

this is a beautiful ambient album. breaks plenty of new ground and at the same time makes me nostalgic for u2's unforgettable fire. brilliant stuff.

Guest said

As far as I am concerned this sur as hell beats Brian Eno or Philip Glass !!!!

launched's avatar
launched said

Right on cool!! Happy fall :)

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Same to you. Love this one! Faved.

Guest said

Wonderful soothing sounds! Last year, I made a playlist of magical, ambient tracks. This encourages me to make another. Happy Autumn Equinox to you too. :-)

KraftiM's avatar
KraftiM said

well this is laid back, very nice.....

Guest said

wonder-coolio piece!

Guest said

Yes, this is brilliant indeed! FNG!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Man- You're doing some brilliant stuff lately! Very cool!

Guest said

Cool effects.
