Loud as Hope

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Iron and wine Cover for someone
Loud as Hope's avatar
Loud as Hope's avatar
One of a few new ones I've written over the past week or so.
Loud as Hope's avatar
Wrote it a few days ago and scrapped this together last night. I dare say, it sounds a bit.... poppy
Loud as Hope's avatar
Trying out a new guitar. Wrote this and recorded it in a couple hours.

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The Avett Brothers
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Ross Spencer's avatar
Ross Spencer's avatar
I have had an itinerant life and most of the friends I've made are scattered to the winds. Or rather I am.

Latest Comments

Loud as Hope's avatar
It may sound like something written by a 15 year old. But that's because I was 15 when I wrote it. I've written other stuff, but I haven't recorded it. Oh well, here's this then.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very Nice! Will have to check out more of your stuff

Loud as Hope's avatar
Usually when I start writing a song that's ripping off an already written song, I realize it early and either change it or abandon the enterprize. This time however it wasn't until I was finishing up recording that I realized the tune of this…
Buck Erpestad's avatar
Buck Erpestad said

At some point most songs sound like something else...maybe it shows that you are paying attention. This is well done and stands by itself - - an original.

Loud as Hope's avatar
Trying out a new guitar. Wrote this and recorded it in a couple hours.
Buck Erpestad's avatar
Buck Erpestad said

Great mix of guitar(s) and voice (harmonies). Nice job.

Loud as Hope's avatar
Trying out a new guitar. Wrote this and recorded it in a couple hours.
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Yes, Nothing inspires like a new guitar. What is this new axe?

Loud as Hope's avatar
Trying out a new guitar. Wrote this and recorded it in a couple hours.
Guest said

Guitar sounds great.

Loud as Hope's avatar

I like to play songs. Here are some songs I recorded in my bedroom. Most are covers, some are mine. You can picture me all grizzly with a beard, recording into a 4 track somewhere in the woods if you want to. That’d be cool. Not accurate, but cool.

from Somewhere in Maine

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