lsnaples's listening history

James Michael Taylor's avatar
PAGAN MAN Pagan man in a pagan land You need britches britches Sell 'em to the Indian Trade 'em to the Indian Dump 'em on the Indian Pagan man in a pagan land You need horses, horses Sell 'em to the Indian Trade 'em to the Indian…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
ADOLESCENT ANGEL - capo @ 6 in C C F C Morning sun shies thru the curtains C G C Throwing shadows on her face C F C I…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
YOU - capo 2 G DCG There's a place in my (GG.G)mind Where your face had a home Long before you walked into my life Before you were a (D)known There's (C)note in my (GG.G)song That I knew fit somewhere Tho…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
I never sing this song the same two times in a row. The lyric below is pretty close to how I sing it now. Listening again, this is an awful version of this song... I have my recording machine working again...I must redo this. I PLAY C…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Saw a black man on TV one night. His name was John Ferguson. This is his story. He's not a songwriter. DAMNED IF I DO - G I got thrown in jail for killing a guy Then I went crazy, waiting to die So, now they can't kill me Because I'm…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
This FaceBook friend of mine posted the first line and I went with it. THE CORNER - G (if capo is at 2 it sounds more like Neil Young.) C D G Am…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Still struggling with this one... Maybe not possible to make this work in a country song...MY DICK DON'T KNOW SHE'S GONE 1. She's been gone for three years now. Three years since she walked out Friends and folks I work with ask me what it…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE'S GONE Key - G She's been gone for three years now Three years since she walked out Friends and folks I work with Ask me what it's all about Tho I can't find an answer As the days drag on and on My heart is damn near…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Probably anyone who plays the guitar could write this song.... Someone asked if I was actually in Spain in 2003. Actually, 2000. Working on the movie, THE STONE RAFT with George Sluizer, from a book by Jose Saramago. Inspired by something Jenni…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
I never sing this song the same two times in a row. The lyric below is pretty close to how I sing it now. Listening again, this is an awful version of this song... I have my recording machine working again...I must redo this. I PLAY C…