Mannequin Races's listening history

launched's avatar
A collaboration that involved 5 musicians over several parts of the world. A crazy stalker tune - Has a soft/hard/soft format. Recorded with The Boss Micro BR(MBR), Mixed with Audacity and then mastered with the MBR. More details in the Youtube…
launched's avatar
Another one from the dusty special price bin! It started off as a Pilot cover, but it didn't end up that way. Dave Berry added the excellent tele solos and the crazy cool noises at the end. Thanks bro, you rock! I spent more time on this…
launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Rubber's avatar
Many thanks to Kirk Lynch, a real gentleman and a pleasure to jam with. His tracks are the heart of this tune. Lyrics: I have a a pain deep in my Chest I can’t Breathe as I Light my cigarette Oh my head, Woe is me Oh my head, Woe is me But…
etsiegel's avatar
a few weeks later...solo piano
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I thought it might be interesting to post the source material I used in the track [IX]( This is the file generated by my TMA-2 instrument that I processed to make IX. If you're into this sort of noisy…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I thought it might be interesting to post the source material I used in the track [IX]( This is the file generated by my TMA-2 instrument that I processed to make IX. If you're into this sort of noisy…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another slice of Reaktor based weirdness from the particle collider ensemble I am tentatively naming TMA-2. You can't tell from how it sounds I guess but the latest development is that particle energy now governs velocity, i.e. more energetic…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another in my series of evolving sonic noise experiments. The source for this piece was a recording from my latest Reaktor instrument [TMA-2]( with a sample map constructed from [Richard Devines](http…