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Digital Sea

Marley Starlight

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Digital Sea is an ambient generative music piece written in the Pure Data programming language. It is constantly changing, circulating, and flowing.

The program written to record this piece is capable of generating a unique, endless performance of Digital Sea on a computer by integrating randomness into the generative procedures.

You can download a free copy of the program from if you’d like to try running it on your computer!

Marley Starlight's avatar
Marley Starlight said

Thank you Jim, I found the page this time!

jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

Marley your kind comment to my recent piece reminded me you are working in Pure Data as well which is wonderful! This piece no less, like the rising bubble like envelopes on the oscillators. It's just like from below the sea level and coming to surface. Bit Sponge Bob bit the Nautiless. Well done! Re Sound-In we'd be pleased to have you checkout and participate. Unfortunately we do get lost in FB and there are some similar ones but we are with the "-". That said here is a link to the latest event. Check out at I believe you willhave to join, we will get an approve req and follow through.

Marley Starlight's avatar
Marley Starlight said

Thank you everyone, your supportive comments mean a lot! :D Jim, the Sound-In community sounds really cool, I was unable to find it searching on Facebook though. If you have a link you could share that would be awesome!

Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

That is amazing!!!!! I LOVE this. I also love the way in which it is's like an endless digital poem. Thank you for sharing!!!

jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

Marley thanks for the kind words re my Gentle Dark. Excellent that you too are working with Pure Data. Your evolving bubble like raising tonal glissandos are like bubbles from the ocean floor and the occasional 'noise' element winds, waves are cool. The continual weaving voice in this is very inventive - check out the Sound-In community on Facebook - we are small but long running group of creative composers working in a supportive atmosphere. I'm not as active right now as I'm working with another muse but will return.

Marley Starlight's avatar
Marley Starlight said

@kavin. Thanks! I'll check him out

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Very cool. Check out jimgoodinmusic here, he does some Pure Data stuff.

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