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I set up an answering system for the purpose of this project and compiled a sampling of messages.
I asked a sampling of peers to recall a story about elementary school. Sometimes they were traumatizing, others were funny. Mostly, I wanted to hear their most vivid recollections of the time period and give them an opportunity to re-remember them.
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I asked a sampling of peers to recall a story about elementary school. Sometimes they were traumatizing, others were funny. Mostly, I wanted to hear their most vivid recollections of the time period and give them an opportunity to re-remember them.
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I set up an answering system for the purpose of this project and compiled a sampling of messages.
I asked a sampling of peers to recall a story about elementary school. Sometimes they were traumatizing, others were funny. Mostly, I wanted to hear their most vivid recollections of the time period and give them an opportunity to re-remember them.
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I set up an answering system for the purpose of this project and compiled a sampling of messages.
mduthie doesn't have anything to say, unfortunately...
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