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Keep On Looking


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I spent a good three hours quickly putting this rough raw testing track together from scratch, here the very first trial take, just to see what it could be like. I’m still not sure what rhytm to go for, I’m sure by the time I finish it, it’ll be completely different… as usual ! LOL I felt it would be a nice idea to put the first test recording on, because one always hears the final results, so why not show some earlier stages ? I know it’s far from perfect as it was done rather in a rush as I had not a lot of time, so hence my
me saying sorry, because you can hear some odd noises, like my guitar boffing into my desk as I don’t have a lot of space in my bedroom, that is where my little music corner is… I only recorded it as a test, using my favourite 12 string acoustic guitar so please don’t expect too much ! However, I do hope you like my first step of my latest creation in it’s pure natural state….. Kind regards from Anna.

MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Thank you kindly for your visit Wildgeas

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Nice tune.

Guest said

love this !

Guest said

Wow! Good job!

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