mikey45011's listening history

James Michael Taylor's avatar
Just another song about why we should patronize the arts...for our own good.
James Michael Taylor's avatar
I was told that even tho she left me after 28 years it doesn't negate the idea. There’s a place in my mind where your face had a home Long before you came into my life Before you were a known There’s a note in my song that I knew fit somewhere…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Tesla...maybe the smartest man that ever lived. TESLA Who invented remote control? TESLA Who invented the fluorescent light? TESLA Who invented the radio? TESLA And who died alone and forgotten in 1943? TESLA So, you say now, “Don’t…
terrysongs's avatar
My own attempt to make a song of faith once again.
terrysongs's avatar
a song done by many folk/country performers ,chokes me up every time. there are much better renditions of it out there in music land,buy those!. this I just wanted to add to my list of occupy songs. to drive home the point.
terrysongs's avatar
The hard times of the 99% is all over, and it's time the people who put us all in this mess be called out ,and have their stink be put in the street.
Billy Jack's avatar
Billy Jack's avatar
Billy Jack's avatar
Another riff I don't have time to finish
ChulCheck's avatar