moschell's listening history

kavin.'s avatar
For the RPMC 2009 album "Sabbatical" From a news story last year about UFOs over Phoenix. They turned out to be some lighted balloons some guy had set aloft. So this tune about UFO paranoia.
kavin.'s avatar
for the 2009 RPM Challenge album "Sabbatical" Standing at the edge of Canyon de Chelly in Arizona at sunrise last summer I had an out of body experience.
kavin.'s avatar
for the 2009 RPM Challenge album "Sabbatical"
Anu's avatar
*My take on something like a* **_Neil Young_** *song ("After The Goldrush" meets "Revolution Blues"?)* *Dark modern electronic guitar rock* Well I woke in a cold sweat from a dreamless sleep The winds were blowing papers through the empty…
Anu's avatar
*Ever had problems falling asleep? This is a sort of goth track influenced by* **_Bauhaus, The Sisters of Mercy,_** _and Faith-era_ **_Cure_**. Dark modern electronic guitar rock.* Down the steps and into the dark Leave the kingdom above…
Anu's avatar
**_Underworld_** *with guitars instead of synthesizers. A sequel of sorts. Electronic rock.* A million drops of rain One sun behind the clouds A million stars in the milky way One moon is shining down A million notes I’ve scribbled One…
Anu's avatar
*What would I be thinking about if life had gone in a different direction? A dubstep/new wave hybrid.* **_Burial_** _meets_ **_Chameleons_.** You would have thought by now I’d be more concerned about More important things Like the cash in…
Anu's avatar
*Dark modern electronic guitar rock* You can hear it just below the blowing wind Feel it in the nerves beneath your skin Catch a glimpse as you drift away at night But you can’t decode the meaning inside Distant shrieking sets your teeth…
Anu's avatar
*"We all live in a little Village...your Village may be different from other people's Villages, but we are all prisoners." -* **_Patrick McGoohan_** Modern electronic guitar rock. One day you awaken in a different place Where the names…
ghostly's avatar
Churning out tracks is getting pretty tough, so much so and I am leaving this as piano only - cheating? Never!!