moschell's listening history

brando's avatar
After I finished collecting and mixing all the trumpet tracks from Montgomeru, I was no longer sure which one of us actually wrote this song.
brando's avatar
Another thanks to Desoto for giving this song some necessary atmosphere.
brando's avatar
A very old song that I should have heeded long ago.
brando's avatar
My goal is to embed this song in your brains.
brando's avatar
I stole some words from a poem by Sudara for this one. "Stretch this moment into minutes, hours, days or years" became a defining phrase in this album.
brando's avatar
A huge thank you to desoto on this one. The bass propels the listener like riding a wave while the flute cuts your mind loose in the atmosphere.
brando's avatar
Feeling a little New Order style roadtrip music.
brando's avatar
Originally a very different song, slowed to a dragging pace and laced with dense moans of twisted agony. There's a little bit of John MacDonald on lead guitar in the build too.
IronAngel's avatar
Just another quick test of the yet unnamed RobRokkenAudio plug in... with a scary clown. Hey kids! Rememeber the 80's? Awwww, that's ok, neither does Uncle Bobo...
mmi's avatar
Started off with me just goofing around with Battery and a couple of other NI things (which are new to me) and grew into this... It may still have places to go.