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Originally a very different song, slowed to a dragging pace and laced with dense moans of twisted agony. There’s a little bit of John MacDonald on lead guitar in the build too.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Intriguing sounds. Cool track!

The Red Cow Society's avatar
The Red Cow Society said

I like this.

Sudara's avatar
Sudara said

Hi Brando. So I have this song. It's either inspired by / ripped off from / a tribute to....YOU and this album bust out. I wrote it months ago melodically, but never stuck lyrics to it. I want to dust it off and bring it out. I was just hammering the piano playing it when I thought "hey, actually it would be really cool to have 2 different voices on it, or to work directly with brando on it in some way." - Interested? Not sure how your life looks these days, but if you like I can send you a raw piano/la la la version with a note about my intentions, and you can see if you like it.

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