Movement To Contact's listening history

kavin.'s avatar
Song #2 for the RPMC. My goal is to have 12 short tunes (1-3 minutes long), so I need to pick up the pace. Again, quartal tuning on the top 3 unison pairs of the 12 string. I've been listening to Ralph Towner's Blue Sun, hence the title.
kavin.'s avatar
Song #2 for the RPMC. My goal is to have 12 short tunes (1-3 minutes long), so I need to pick up the pace. Again, quartal tuning on the top 3 unison pairs of the 12 string. I've been listening to Ralph Towner's Blue Sun, hence the title.
vaisvil's avatar
Frank Miller (phantasm777) added excellent vocals and drums - I like it much better this way - hope you do too! (still 17 equal tuning)
kavin.'s avatar
My RPM challenge this year: acoustic guitar instrumental album with no more than three tracks on each tune (ok, maybe four!) This one is a single track with no overdubs. On the 12 string, the 4th,5th and 6th string pairs are tuned a fourth apart.
kavin.'s avatar
My RPM challenge this year: acoustic guitar instrumental album with no more than three tracks on each tune (ok, maybe four!) This one is a single track with no overdubs. On the 12 string, the 4th,5th and 6th string pairs are tuned a fourth apart.
kavin.'s avatar
My RPM challenge this year: acoustic guitar instrumental album with no more than three tracks on each tune (ok, maybe four!) This one is a single track with no overdubs. On the 12 string, the 4th,5th and 6th string pairs are tuned a fourth apart.
thetworegs's avatar
Well i didn't think the lyrics fitted the tune first time round so here's the second attempt............more a song from the miss spent youth that the man today...... ONE OF THEM DAYS (Lyrics) The sunrise screams my mind wide awake My head so…
thetworegs's avatar
Well i didn't think the lyrics fitted the tune first time round so here's the second attempt............more a song from the miss spent youth that the man today...... ONE OF THEM DAYS (Lyrics) The sunrise screams my mind wide awake My head so…
thetworegs's avatar
Well i didn't think the lyrics fitted the tune first time round so here's the second attempt............more a song from the miss spent youth that the man today...... ONE OF THEM DAYS (Lyrics) The sunrise screams my mind wide awake My head so…
Colin Garvey's avatar
1pm on Sunday. I'm not back in work until Tuesday. We've just had a delicious roast dinner that I cooked, and the glass of wine we had with it is helping it go down. As a crisp February sun twinkles through the window I realise that for the first…