Movement To Contact's listening history

thiscausticautumn's avatar
track 4 from Novella Minor.
thiscausticautumn's avatar
Track 2 from the album Novella Minor. Started as an acoustic track that I brought to practice one day, and then it turned into this. Means to an End So what's that you're reading? I promise you, I don't know the name. I choose between me and…
thiscausticautumn's avatar
This is the title track from our album, and is the counter part to the track, "Watershed." They are very closely related counterparts, and throw hands with each other from time to time. Those were strange and embittered times, birthing some sharp…
thiscausticautumn's avatar
This is the title track from our album, and is the counter part to the track, "Watershed." They are very closely related counterparts, and throw hands with each other from time to time. Those were strange and embittered times, birthing some sharp…
thiscausticautumn's avatar
This is essentially a memorial for my little brother, about guilt and blame and the voids therein. I've recorded it a few times over the years, and this is the version we recorded with initial hopes of including it on Novella Minor, but it just…
thiscausticautumn's avatar
This is essentially a memorial for my little brother, about guilt and blame and the voids therein. I've recorded it a few times over the years, and this is the version we recorded with initial hopes of including it on Novella Minor, but it just…
thiscausticautumn's avatar
ANOTHER ONE with no vocals yet. sorry. heh.
Les's avatar
A song I wrote as a piece of coursework. Complete with real live string quartet!
Les's avatar
Here's an instrumental track I put together a while ago, bit of a rough around the edges demo, but you get the idea!
corbinSound's avatar
Wellll it's not really a mystery, it's a little Beatles remixing!! I've basically just mashed together Octopus's Garden and All My Lovin'. Hope you like it! toooons of fun makin it :)