Movement To Contact's listening history

Brian Bazeley's avatar
Splice your main-brace, and scrape off your barnacles. You'll be jigging along to this one.
Alister Flint's avatar
did a remix of latest B-52s (ex B-52's) song "Funplex". i admit i didn't really take the time to polish this, so it might have some flaws here and there, but it was fun to do and after all, is this not what matters most? :) and you can…
Alister Flint's avatar
a simple tune for the upcoming summer..
twelvestallions's avatar
sound project 2
twelvestallions's avatar
twelvestallions's avatar
this is a homework assignment for my sound class focusing on spoken word and setting a soundtrack to that spoken word... i took kennedy's last speech from dallas and "re-wrote" it before composing a basic soundtrack behind it...
Gen. Libra's avatar
I encountered a lost tribe of pseudo-urban Animistic shamans along the Baltimore Freight Railway in a dark and dismal tunnel. They allowed me to sit down and record this before i was on my way.
Gen. Libra's avatar
This is just a little shout out to my boy D Hopz. R.I.P
Gen. Libra's avatar
Yadda Yadda Yadda- Sigmund Freud
Uncle's avatar
Dedicated to my sweet wife's loving mother, Millie, who is moving into hospice. She is a very thoughtful person, centered on peace and justice. The song has a guitar part that symbolizes her. The quieter echo part is Wally, who passed years ago.