Movement To Contact's listening history

Orphans's avatar
First Lie Chris Tune / Toms Lyrics I heard you singing from the roof tops saw you swinging in the trees tripping on a cough drop dealing your disease I watched you watching from the washroom heard you tumble down my stairs passed out…
am/fm dreams's avatar
written by Danielle Poirier "Like your feet sinking down..." RPM 2015
am/fm dreams's avatar
If you leave me behind I'll have a crow's nest of a life Filled with things that sparkle and flash, Rusty nails and old tin cans Sure, they're pretty when they get wet But it ain't the most comfortable bed Unless you're here I've been…
am/fm dreams's avatar
yeah RPM 2015
am/fm dreams's avatar
written by Marc Poirier RPM 2015
am/fm dreams's avatar
written by Damian Lethbridge RPM 2015
am/fm dreams's avatar
written by Damian Lethbridge RPM 2015
am/fm dreams's avatar
Written by Marc Poirier RPM 2015
Nightmoth's avatar
OMIE WISE (traditional) [ ] Oh, listen to my story, and I'll tell you no lies How John Lewis did murder poor little Omie Wise He told her to meet him at Adams's Springs He would bring her some money…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
This is the bonus track for "The Best of GEM" playlist. APATHY AND GREED Apathy and greed is in the human seed "I need more, to Hell with you" we say so well How we live and play to get us through the day Til we hear the bell that summons…