Newbold's listening history

coelocanth's avatar
for the "For the Birds" Sound-In event
trawnajim's avatar
A rather slow one for sure, but buried somewhere in there is a sort of jig rhythm. Made from sounds of runout grooves on an LP with really pronounced surface noise (not that it matters, but a Canadian pressing of Jethro Tull's Thick as a Brick…
trawnajim's avatar
A rather slow one for sure, but buried somewhere in there is a sort of jig rhythm. Made from sounds of runout grooves on an LP with really pronounced surface noise (not that it matters, but a Canadian pressing of Jethro Tull's Thick as a Brick…
trawnajim's avatar
Recording of getting into the car and starting up, with various sections of the procedure undergoing radical changes. Submitted to Sound-In "In a Car..." for 8-15/8/2022.
Breaking Light's avatar
live loop jamming with the fretless Chinese junk Strat
Newbold's avatar
for the sound-in supermarket sounds event this week --- they do sell the food stuff at walmart for less I guess... 000 I was in walmart and realized I had not gotten many instore sounds for the event and put my phone in record while in walmart…
Newbold's avatar
this is a single stem that was a kinda of guitar preset that I have altered with effects that were automated --- I have singled out this guitar track and added more automation of the synthesizer that is making the guitar sounds modulation changes…
Newbold's avatar
Newbold's avatar
Newbold's avatar