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ahhh the story lets go to a post in a different forum of music about suicide, and my .. take on the thing it is..

I have attempted a few times to no avail it is a very selfish thing to do; with no care for anyone else but the act of ending ones life.. ?

my roommate - girlfriend tried two weeks ago with my sleeping pills to no avail (i have since stopped taking the sleeping pills) -

Also I have had lovers off themselves as well in the 90’s and I have still not approached this topic in therapy or with friends ,/, I have his “life story” on cassette tape in my archives.

The feeling of loneliness is common among the users and the thinkers or both but the simple answers never form together unless a life is sacrificed as it is martyrdom, and that is a thoughtless escape for no-one.

The hope is to grow through the situation whatever it is and learn.

Last edited by newbold; Today at 04:07 AM.. Reason: , and that

Guest said

puts a while sealed dump on the table for me to eat monkey brain...."dine in my brain professor". wild!

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