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perpendicuular shadow experiment 1


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Now and perpendicular to now, where shadows are, as we will create the next song of music and make sounds together in the now but also in the perpendicular to now for the theme at sound in. of course any music on theme or not is ok. At right angles to everything are the shadow sounds. But is everything everywhere always in the now and what do we have there? IDK! There’s the new sounds that are perpendicular to everything everywhere. And It is common for me to enjoy the rightness of the right angel angles of shadows and shadow sounds in perpendicular songs that I like. What meaning best describes sounds as being perpendicular to everything everywhere all the time? Or perhaps perpendicular to these sounds, as sound only happens in the now time if any sound happens at all. Yet with my life song and being’s frequency of me being alive, I know now-sounds are nothing or even less than nothing even still. As yet perpendicular now sounds to this are kinds of songs and sounds as singing the everything everywhere or even more than everything and more than everywhere. Here in a new sense of perpendicular songs in time music or timeless music and further the perpendicular but noisy thoughts about sounds as the are. See less

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Evocative stuff.

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