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playing with out listening to the sounds I am making


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just like it says

I moved my headphones and the wires connecting them to the mixer .. the wires in turn turned down the sound on the headphones to nothing.. — I was fumbling with the settings the power the levels the plugs where they were going in and out touching here and there.. but all the while the audio was being recorded.. I edited out the stuff I did .. while I could listen .. and this is what I did not hear.. but played — Nonetheless. I did figure it out but I had also reconfigured several performance settings and more – hehe nothing I can’t undo=–=

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Some really interesting music that obvious had its own life!

Guest said

Deux jours apres nous ne les vimes plus, car pensant que nous etions toujours devant eux ils pousserent jusqu'a la riviere Udda: plus loin, vers le Nord, c'est un courant considerable, mais a l'endroit ou nous la passames, elle est etroite et gueable. Herbalife En outre, le capitaine recommanda essentiellement de chasser avec le plus grand zele les morses, les phoques ou tous autres representants de la faune arctique, leur capture devant fournir les elements indispensable au retour.

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