Norm's listening history

vaisvil's avatar
Cannon at the octave on F I spruced this up by playing it twice; once with a pentagon subtractive synth duo + kontakt percussion and then with alto sax + baritone sax + jazz trap set. 6/8 120 BPM
vaisvil's avatar
Year: 2000 Album: You EP Artist's description: The moment before the first kiss..... part of a series that tried to combine what I liked in eastern indian instruments with western pop I apologize for the vocals. I was singing the root, fifth…
vaisvil's avatar
Contributors: Edgar Allen Poe Reader Alexander Thomas Greene - A DREAM WITHIN A DREAM Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow- You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream;…
Reefwalker's avatar
A coin tossed... As usual, served best with headphones Enjoy!
launched's avatar
Another one from the dusty special price bin! It started off as a Pilot cover, but it didn't end up that way. Dave Berry added the excellent tele solos and the crazy cool noises at the end. Thanks bro, you rock! I spent more time on this…
richardlaceves's avatar
The Doors have always been one of my favoriates,, i would like to an entire cd of piano takes on their music,, this is my first take at cs
richardlaceves's avatar
launched's avatar
Dwelled by the "Upload" button for a bit before shipping this one... All recorded on the Boss Micro BR
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Well, song 10 finally. A bit on the heavy side, some odd FX, strange vox, an Ibanez, The ever present harmonica, and some help from Illegal Alien Autopsy. This was the first song I tracked for RPM. But, since my pen has run out of ink this month…
launched's avatar
Dwelled by the "Upload" button for a bit before shipping this one... All recorded on the Boss Micro BR