Nosda Cariad's listening history
with Chris Vaisvil playing guitar and myself on vocal from their 1981 album moving pictures……hope you enjoy
more from that band
Moe - drums
Frank - bass
Chris - guitar
Cover of "Just Want to Make Love to You"
Cover of "A National Acrobat"
Cover of "Snowblind"
Disbeliever, an original that I don't think saw public performance.
more from that band
Moe - drums
Frank - bass
Chris - guitar
Cover of "Just Want to Make Love to You"
Cover of "A National Acrobat"
Cover of "Snowblind"
Disbeliever, an original that I don't think saw public performance.
more from that band
Moe - drums
Frank - bass
Chris - guitar
Cover of "Just Want to Make Love to You"
Cover of "A National Acrobat"
Cover of "Snowblind"
Disbeliever, an original that I don't think saw public performance.
more from that band
Moe - drums
Frank - bass
Chris - guitar
Cover of "Just Want to Make Love to You"
Cover of "A National Acrobat"
Cover of "Snowblind"
Disbeliever, an original that I don't think saw public performance.