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by oldfolks2


When i was w: Kari & Topi

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This is a collab with Kari & Kopi from Finland i got the idea for the lyrics fron Frank Sinatra’s it was a very good year ….any way here it is Thanks for listening

When I was w/ Kari Topi

When I was nineteen
Well it was a crazy time
With Summers never ending
life was a kind a pantonmine
Dreams were there only, as a token
Never ending nights drinking, partying and smoking

When I was 22,I remember not really having a clue
I was working hard, partying trying to break on through
Acting crazy, Raising hell, being misconstrued
When I was 32
I had to decide what it is I wanted to do
it all went wrong I was made to take a different, point of view
I lost the love of my life I almost lost my child
I fort hard for my sanity and went a little wild


When I was 35 i met my wife and came back to life
I’d found that love really made a great kind of life at 35
Through my 40’s oh they were so much fun
Starting a new family and finally becoming one
Life felt again fulfilled and that it had truly begun
I was in love with life, I was awakened

Everyday is full
Everyday is good to me
Everyday is special
Everyday is filled with love

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

That’s really cool, my fav part was your forties . Oh and that chorus poetry

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Love the lush feel of this with the strings and piano and the sexy timber of your vocals. Awesome lyrics as well. An instant fav.

oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

That hit the spot ....
