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by oldfolks2


Let The Race Be Won (Acoustic Demo)

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Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022
Song number 7
Written Saturday 12th February 2022

This one was easy to write but hard work singing and recording.

I’m fairly certain this one is high on the list of “arrange me later” - I kept getting very tempted to overdub it.

Also it would be much easier to sing in a multi-track situation.

And it would like drums. Backing vocals. Vodka Martini.

Anyways, demo is done.

That’s seven completed songs written in seven days - never done that before!

Let The Race Be Won - A A J Russe

You’d be surprised
At what you can achieve
Just take it easy
Don’t be deceived
By the voice
Playing in your head
It’s only you repeating
What someone said

Let the race
Be won
By those who choose
To run
And that’s

Do not be scared
Of what you might reveal
No-one will notice
No-one will steal
Let the fires
Of your own mystery
Light your road
To where you could be

And let the race
Be won
By those who choose
To run
And that’s

Anyone can do it
Anyone like you
Don’t you ever doubt it
Because anyone is you

Let the race
Be won
By those who choose
To run
And that’s

Copyright (C) 2022 A A J Russe. All Rights Reserved.

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Great song writing - loving the sentiment and your tender vox here. I love it when the FAWM and RPM parameters draw out his kind of track, any more of an arrangement would detract from the message - IMHO.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Very inspiring lyrics! I can hear all the anthem-esque background arrangements. Love this one!

oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

So, So good ....

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

You are a smoking hot song writer these days. These are all great songs and an ispiration to the rest of us.

Ricia Rae's avatar
Ricia Rae said

Another great tune! wow...7 in 7 days...that is a lot of creative energy. Really beautiful song and your singing is powerful. I do like this unplugged version btw. But yes, a little vodka martini will go with it nicely.
