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by oldfolks2



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The calluses from all this bass playing are coming along nicely! This is another RPM song (song 6) where I built the song from a little bass riff. The lyrics include some quotes and/or references - pick them out and win a prize (ha ha).

it’s one or the other
both can’t be true
don’t do unto others
what was done to you

Don’t know the future
no crystal-ball
you know that pride cometh
before the fall

You’ve got to carry that weight
carry that weight
carry that weight
that’s all

You’ve got to carry that weight
carry that weight
carry that weight
that’s all

And into the distance
you saw your fate
the love you’ve been given
the love you make

You’ve got to carry that weight
carry that weight
carry that weight
that’s all

You’ve got to carry that weight
carry that weight
carry that weight
that’s all

I’ll be waiting
waiting for you
I’ll be waiting
waiting for you

You’ve got to carry that weight
carry that weight
carry that weight
that’s all

You’ve got to carry that weight
carry that weight
carry that weight
that’s all

-the end-
….that’s all folks!

Spazsquatch's avatar
Spazsquatch said

If you perform, and I find myself in Montreal this summer, I need to check out that show! What an amazing collection you've put together as part of RPM challenge.

oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Very clever stuff .....

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

You are on a ROLL One after another. You go girl !!!!!

larrymorgan's avatar
larrymorgan said

cool bass riff

Guest said

Great bass

Guest said

Fantastic compilation. Highly creative. Terrific bass throughout and love the piano in I’m OK. Ricia Rae has an ethereal voice. I also found this to be great workout music.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh yeah!! Love this one. Wasn't sure at first, but when the vocal started I was pulled straight in. LOVE the chorus.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Love the Beatles references! You go girl!!
