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The Old Folks at Home


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Not bad, 10 to 15 years to to get this one done Ha Ha. This was wrote tongue in
cheek. The story behind it is, a group of us used to meet up, taking turns whose house we used, have a chat, a bit of food, a few drinks ( ok then, more than a few drinks ) Then I would get the guitar out and basically ’ murder ’ songs for the rest of the night. Great fun, so I came up with the nickname The old folks at home.
Sadly with never had a hit single ; )

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Sounds like most of the evenings I have out or in .... liking the trippy vibe too

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Love the feel of this one. Kinda trippy. It's got a Mamas and Papas vibe to it.

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