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Life (OsCKilO, Blooby and Oldrottenhead)

Tharek Ali Mokbul

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This started off as the first unplugged recording I ever made.

Bruce (Blooby)kindly added some drums and pipes to it….

Then Oldrottenhead sang a lyric over it a bit later…

The way this evolved amazed be. Never thought it would sound like this after travelling across the world a few times.

Hope you like it.




over the water
to far away lands
our children have wondered
since time began
in search of grass greener
to start a new life
a whole new begining
a new way of life

what do we search for
this thing we cant find
looking for answers
are we still blind

lost in our ignorance
and driven by lust
Ashes to Ashes
And Dust to Dust.

Guest said

Agree with facemask93 - lovely timeless breeziness.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Wonderful stuff man! This has a classic almost "john Barleycorn" feel about it

facemask93's avatar
facemask93 said

This has such a force about it , something i really love , it has a very primitive , almost tribal like sound that reminds me of Ireland , Scotland , hills valley's and open space's , truly wonderful

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

I think you need to re-release this on vinyl to get th full effect

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Love it. This will make for perfect hiking music this summer.

Guest said

Oh my! Love the music, it's really special. Excellent vocal too. Faved!

oldrottenhead's avatar
oldrottenhead said

wow a blast from the past indeed.

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