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Stumbled Out of the Nest

Jeff Gordon

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I’m learning that I write better lyrics to a prompt or title. This title came from the FawmMuse title generator. For many years I felt lost and wrongly-directed creatively - its only been the last 3-4 years that I’ve begun to find myself in this regard. Stumbled out of the nest seemed like one of many ways that I could express that journey. I tagged this with the Week11 challenge as there is a brief mention of a game.

Lost myself while on a mission
Headphones on but I never listen
Tunnel vision breaks me every time

Sunglasses on in the dead of night
Won’t use headlights ‘cause they’re too bright
Halfway up, still too far to climb

Oh I stumbled
Stumbled out of the Nest
Hit the ground too hard
Now I’ll never learn to fly
Oh I stumbled
Stumbled out of the Nest
Will I find my way back home
I know I’m gonna try

This constant game of hide and seek
Has kept me on a losing streak
I just can’t find the place where I belong

Are distant stars what I’m seeking
Or something closer, something sneaking
If I keep searching, nothing can go wrong

Oh I stumbled
Stumbled out of the Nest
Hit the ground too hard
Now I’ll never learn to fly
Oh I stumbled
Stumbled out of the Nest
Will I find my way back home
I know I’m gonna try

If I get back home, this I promise
Of everywhere I’ve been
Nowhere else gives me such solace
I’ll never stray again

Oh I stumbled
Stumbled out of the Nest
Hit the ground too hard
Now I’ll never learn to fly
Oh I stumbled
Stumbled out of the Nest
Will I find my way back home
I know I’m gonna try

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