Paul & Kenny Alone Together
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MADLIBS!! Written by Zabler/Thompson with Angel Campbell, Sean McManus, Janette Hansen, Christopher Delica, Kristina Lee, Laurel Sanders, Ryan Green, Katie Thompson, Sethe Christensen, Patricia Eby, Kristin Collom, Michael Schmidt, Nicole Solis…
Written by Zabler/Thompson.
WTF you ask??? Squirty Tuna is a play on the Italian word "scordatura", which is a term for music played on a stringed instrument that has been detuned to non-standard pitches.
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Written by Zabler/Thompson.
WTF you ask??? Squirty Tuna is a play on the Italian word "scordatura", which is a term for music played on a stringed instrument that has been detuned to non-standard pitches.
Written by Zabler/Thompson.
WTF you ask??? Squirty Tuna is a play on the Italian word "scordatura", which is a term for music played on a stringed instrument that has been detuned to non-standard pitches.
MADLIBS!! Written by Zabler/Thompson with Angel Campbell, Sean McManus, Janette Hansen, Christopher Delica, Kristina Lee, Laurel Sanders, Ryan Green, Katie Thompson, Sethe Christensen, Patricia Eby, Kristin Collom, Michael Schmidt, Nicole Solis…
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MADLIBS!! Written by Zabler/Thompson with Angel Campbell, Sean McManus, Janette Hansen, Christopher Delica, Kristina Lee, Laurel Sanders, Ryan Green, Katie Thompson, Sethe Christensen, Patricia Eby, Kristin Collom, Michael Schmidt, Nicole Solis…
Written by Zabler/Thompson.
WTF you ask??? Squirty Tuna is a play on the Italian word "scordatura", which is a term for music played on a stringed instrument that has been detuned to non-standard pitches.
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Written by Zabler/Thompson.
WTF you ask??? Squirty Tuna is a play on the Italian word "scordatura", which is a term for music played on a stringed instrument that has been detuned to non-standard pitches.
Is that you on guitar, Kenny? My ex-husband must have influenced you that time when you were 7 and stayed overnight and the neighbor kid asked you if you were a Christian, and you said "I don't know!" because you were Catholic.
TMI for your Aunt Marge!!
Stop taking life so seriously.
from Wisconsin
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