phil 49

phil 49's avatar

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Jason Earls's avatar
On youtube there's a short video clip of guitarist Shawn Lane (R.I.P) executing an extremely difficult chord voicing that requires extensive finger stretching, which Shawn calls "the hardest chord in the world." I altered the chord a little bit…
Jason Earls's avatar
I only recently heard the Howlin' Wolf version and I've been playing this riff for years.
Jason Earls's avatar
There was a part of the verse that I couldn't get to sound right so I had to just cut it out.
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Hey guys, Chill out... :o Jesus Loves you.
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
It's horrriiibbbllleeee I seriously can't play guitar, not to be pridefully modest, i think it sounded beautiful... but i cant play much more than what i know, and i dont think that qualifies playing the guitar really. But i was just messing…
phil 49's avatar
from massillon, United States

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