Pink Kabunnikorn's listening history
Crawling around in a tiger hat and temporary tattoos
Pulled myself up with straps I fashioned from my father’s boots
I’m dancing with my laces tied together
I’m walking in the same skin I wore ten years ago
Same blisters on my ankles from…
Lessons not, quickly forgotten.
Stable eye, upbuild downtrodden.
Troubled times, lay down often.
Catch the sky, once in a while.
No longer a sound.
Lack of presence feelin' down.
Nothing to put my arms around.
Emptiness is not profound…
I saw her mother
Just the other day
She didn’t know me
So I froze on what to say
When she was happy
Nothing made her frown
Danced so much
They even gave her a crown
She was , she was royalty
Really wish that she remembered me