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The Desert Is Just Dessert

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An electronic track from the Dead In The Water sessions. I thought the Last FM version was missing something, so I went in to fine-tune it.

This is the end-result of that fine-tuning.

The track deals with how there are usually no easy outs for stupid decisions - you’re stuck cleaning up the mess from them.

Go here for sample information —>

The samples all came from either me or the Freesound website.

Diello's avatar
Diello said

im luvN diz whole album brudda! vry dope

Guest said

Hee hee! like it :)

drakonis's avatar
drakonis said

wacky, dizzy, cool music. Love the strange echoey bent distortion of the vox samples.

Piscean Dream Band's avatar
Piscean Dream Band said

Very eclectic track. Delightful!

markholbrook's avatar
markholbrook said

Interesting and really cool sounding vocals

glu's avatar
glu said

woah! This is different! I like it a lot. Especially at the first minute.

J dY Stamp's avatar
J dY Stamp said


Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card said

nice work on this one, got more? Can't wait.

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

very interesting. completely bonkers.. but interesting all the same!
