Adoramus Te Christe
I wrote this during Lent of 2023 but never got round to uploading it. The prayer is an ancient one from the Church and for the feast of Holy Cross. My guitar is tuned to an open E tuning E, B, E, G#, B, E (low to high). I love this tuning for finger style playing especially because of the lovely overtones you can get from notes that you normally wouldn’t in standard tuning. I recorded the first demo of this May of 2023 but then worked more on the guitar part and re-recorded later on, from what I can tell, in February of 2024. The chords below do not show the interlude chords or the chords at the ending.
E —————— A—- E
Adoramus Te, Christe,
et benedicimus tibi,
————-C#m——A————E/G# B7
quia per sanctam crucem tuam
redemisti mundum
Domine, ————-miserere—-nobis
(C) 2023 Last week of Lent 2023
We adore Thee, O Christ,
and we bless Thee,
who by Thy Holy Cross
hast redeemed the world.
O Lord have mercy on us