At The Cross
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This is an ancient Christian hymn which I have put my own melody to. I chose the verses from different translations of the Latin based on how they fit the melody.
9/29, 9/30/06
Stabat Mater
- At the cross her station keeping, stood the mournful mother weeping, close to Jesus to the last
- Through her heart, his sorrow sharing, all his bitter anguish bearing, now at length the sword had passed.
- Oh how sad and sore distressed was that mother highly blessed, of the sole-begotten One
- Christ above in torment hangs; she beneath beholds the pangs of her dying glorious Son.
- Is there one who would not weep, whelmed in miseries so deep Christ’s dear Mother to behold?
- Can the human heart refrain from partaking in her pain, in that Mother’s pain untold?
- Bruised, derided, cursed, defiled, she beheld her tender child, till His Spirit forth he sent.
- For the sins of His own nation saw Him hang in desolation, all with bloody scourges rent.
For His people’s sins in anguish, there she saw the Victim languish, bleed in torments, bleed and die - O, thou Mother, fount of love, touch my spirit from above, make my heart with thine accord.
- Make my heart to glow within me for the God who came to win me, burn with love for Christ, my Lord
- Holy Mother, pierce me through; in my heart each wound renew of my Saviour crucified.
- By Thy glorious Death and Passion, saving me in wondrous fashion, Saviour, turn my heart to thee.
- At Thy feet in adoration, wrapped in earnest contemplation, see, beneath Thy Cross I lie
- By the cross with thee to stay, there with thee to weep and pray, this of thee I ask to give.
- Virgin, of all virgins blest, O refuse not my request: let me in thy weeping share
- Make me after thine own fashion Christ’s companion in His Passion all His pain and dying bear
- Wound me with thy Son’s affliction, kindle through his crucifixion zealous love within my soull
- All my heart, enflamed and burning, Saviour, now to Thee is turning; shield me in the Judgement Day
- Jesus, may your Cross defend me, And your Mother’s prayer befriend me; Let me die in Your embrace.
- While my body here is lying, let my soul be swiftly flying to Thy glorious Paradise.
- While my body here decays, may my soul Thy goodness praise, safe in Paradise with Thee.