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5,480 (How Many Know?)

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Nobody knows, nobody knows the pain You suffered
No one can know, can truly know the pain You suffered
The pictures show You hanging from The Cross
No marks but the five wounds, but that’s not the way it was
How many know you were covered from the soles of Your feet to the crown of Your head?
Covered with wounds, bleeding, not an inch of You free from torment
How many know?

Five thousand four hundred-eighty
Five thousand four hundred-eighty
Five thousand four hundred-eighty blows You suffered.

For those who ask, He gives a glimpse of His bitter Passion
Reveals the fear, the anguish and pain before His Crucifixion
He condescended to come in human form
He chose to suffer knowing all He would endure
And how many know of The Garden, when He saw all the sins of the world He would bear?
How Our Lord and Savior was taunted, shown all throughout time who never would care
How many know?

Five thousand four hundred-eighty…

Centuries ago a child asked You of Your Passion
A favored soul, You spoke to her of Your Crucifixion
Saint Bridget knelt before Your Crucifix in Rome
These prayers I give to you if you wish to honor My wounds
Insulted, struck and beaten, never was there pain like unto Thine
Crushed with blows of The Scourging, then Crowned with Thorns till the blood filled Your eyes
The Cross tore the flesh of Your shoulder, You felt the pain You saw in Your Mother’s eyes
Enraged, they stretched Your body, separating Your bones as they pulled from all sides
How many know?

Five thousand four hundred-eighty..

(C) 2000 Paul Lisney 1/25/00 to 1/28/00

Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney said

Thanks guest 9618245210. Can I ask how you came upon the song?

Guest said

Unbelievably beautiful! What a wonderful way to praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for this very moving song.

Guest said

Can give on youtube karaoke version of your song 5,480 (how many know) cause i want to sing that song i like it so much!

Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney said

Guest ( Thank you

Guest said

Wow, this is beautiful ☺️. Very powerful! You are very talented!!

Paul Lisney's avatar
Paul Lisney said

Thanks Kendra for your comment from a year ago! There’s no way to respond on here other than to leave a comment in response and hope the person returns to hear the song and sees it.

Guest said

Oh my gosh, Paul, it's Kendra Von Esh - I have God bumps the whole song - so beautiful praise God you did this and so many of these other songs! I will be sharing this via social for sure! Thanks for letting me know about this!

Guest said

I love this song, the emotions I feel listening to it goes to my heart. I thank Jesus for loving me so much that he was willing to die for me.

Guest said

Done from the heart ! Very impressive. Thank you.

Guest said

So touching it made me cry, Thankyou

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

This has a great feel to it! Well done.

Guest said

Very beatfull. Thanks a lot.
