pratikjointone's listening history

Geniuscar's avatar
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
Not sure what genre this is in, other than "noisy". I also don't think it's finished, I'm just throwing up what I've got thus far.
aphelion's avatar
This was made with the help of the dinosaur-obsessed Laura Turner who wrote the lyrics, and Chris Harrison who played the blistering guitar solo \m/
pratikjointone's avatar
aphelion's avatar
This was made with the help of the dinosaur-obsessed Laura Turner who wrote the lyrics, and Chris Harrison who played the blistering guitar solo \m/
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
Based around an anonymous little kid's unique rendition of "Old MacDonald Had A Farm". Tom Meade contributed a recorder loop here.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
The lyrics are loosely based on one of the strangest events I've witnessed while on public transportation (hey, maybe this is a concept album about commuting after all). The story is in fact pretty accurate until the end - despite the guy's sweet…
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
There's no reason for this to be named after the infamous section of craigslist, beyond the song itself sounding sort of sleazy I guess. The ending isn't meant as political commentary, it's just a funny moment I happened to capture.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I kind of wish I still had the individual tracks for this so I could mix it better, but I still think it's an interesting mix of sounds.
Backyard Ghost's avatar