pratikjointone's listening history

Gu Djin's avatar
First of a series of songs based on the story of someone who has unaccountable rages. Some who've heard this find it calming, others it disturbs?
Lord Sluk's avatar
I was baptized by the Deep Goddess, she anointed me with her blood and I healed the world. Dream: I was the savior of a dying, post apocalyptic world. My job was to go into the basement of a large demolited building. When I got down to the…
Yards of Silk's avatar
from the upcoming album "Leaving My Body"
iconoclast's avatar
The Music tells the story. we all carry our true selves inside, and experience those who would tell us we are someone else. take this home, light a candle, dance widdershins, blow some smoke to the six directions.... and be free
iconoclast's avatar
Ok, everybody. I hope you can hang in there on this one. Yes it's longer. This is the fruit of Steve and my's first collaboration. He'd heard me do this at a party, got in touch with me, and said, "I'd like to collaborate on this, if you're okay…
The Calculus Affair's avatar
Room 34's avatar
Guitar and bass.
Room 34's avatar
This is where the adventure began: the unaccompanied electric piano part I recorded first.
Room 34's avatar
Not an upright bass or, if you prefer, bass viol. This is two instruments: electric bass and bass clarinet. Not electric bass clarinet.
Hydrographica's avatar