The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's listening history
The first song I wrote, and yes Fran nicked it !!! It's about the nightmares she was having,which was keeping me awake at night. Same old dream about her childhood & her mother,say no more !!
been dying to finish this one, still needs to be finished but now I'm sharing this with you, for "Blood Miles"
A little ditty about my favorite pub The Rum Runner, great beer....
Have you ever just wanted to try being Bob Dylan for a day? This song wishes it was that!
All parts by CMOR 2011
This song doesn't need you... It would be best if you went and listened to Britney instead...
Collaboration between B1 in Seattle, and myself... Music by B1, Lyrics by CMOR (2009)
Adventures in Southern California!!
All parts by CMOR 2011
This tune is a response to the George Harrison song, 'Here Comes The Sun...' It's like a tribute, or an echo... From my 2009 album 'Texoskeleton...'
A huge guilt trip to all non-aboriginals in the USA... I still feel this way... One should only listen if they are prepared to then get the hell out and give the land back to its natives...
This is the title track from my 2007 album...