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Recorded for the compilation Passed Love on Passed Recordings. The full version of the song is available at https://passedrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/passed-love under the name Twilight Sleep.
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“My Butterfly” was recorded and mixed very quickly from 5/7/23 to 5/11/23, for May’s 30 Day Songs challenge (30daysongs.com).
“My Butterfly” was also submitted to May’s REM Challenge (via RPM Challenge).
“My Butterfly” written by W. Ng.
“The Caterpillar” was recorded and mixed very quickly from 5/7/23 to 5/11/23, for May’s 30 Day Songs challenge (30daysongs.com).
"The Caterpillar" written by R. Smith/L. Tolhurst, originally by The Cure.
Tim played and sang everything
Another cover for the May 30 Day Songs project (https://30daysongs.com).
This has always been one of my favorite songs and I saw that Ben Kweller's album
"Sha Sha" is turning 20 this year. I needed a b…
Tim - guitars, voices, and other noises
Marz - vocals and lead guitar
Megan Kleven - backing vocals
Marz and I have know one another for over ten years now, but we've never actually recorded anything where we sang together until now. We…
Latest Comments
Olive Astronaut
I'm sorry... you did what now? I don't have enough patience to do a two and a half minute song in Logic... never mind something Nearly thirty minutes long with multiple layers... Sounds great though!
Just for the sake of clarity, this is observation, not faith.
This sounds like a pop song with its playful melody hiding behind the ambient vibe. Very enjoyable.
Slack ether. Lost moments due to time travel. An ambient music omniverse. Scraps and rewrites after the end of the tape.
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23 tracks