alonetone radio: Popular


Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge idea number 31 becomes finished song number 32. This is okay. Nothing to complain about except for a bad vocal note near the end of the first verse and the sneaking suspicion that I've written this exact song before…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge idea number 29 becomes finished song number 30. Let's say hypothetically that I were to take the best songs from this year's batch of 50 songs in 90 days and turn them into an album. Hypothetically speaking, and knowing…
vaisvil's avatar
Several guitar and a bass track instrumental cover of The Body of Christ by Sarah Hart. I'm not great at reading rhythm so the melody is mostly informed from when we performed it with some liberties.
Len Sasso's avatar
Richard Shekari's avatar
Roar of Praise Chorus: If you can’t sing, roar. Shout for the Lord. If you can’t sing, roar. Come, let’s praise the Lord. (2x) Verse 1: Raise your flags, all ye nations; wave them all for the Lord. His blood cleanses us all; to Him…
H R Music's avatar
Sort of a love song ... in a rejection sort of way.
H R Music's avatar
A lot of homeless now-a-days. I have a feeling this story isn't unique.
coelocanth's avatar
Bass VI, looping, fx
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge idea number 21 becomes finished song number 27. The never ending scheme to write a killer head banging rock song in 3/4 time. This probably isn't it, but it's a baby step closer to the rock goal. The rhythm guitars are…
Richard Shekari's avatar
Every Day Chorus: I will celebrate Your love and cherish it forever. Every day I will rejoice, for You make me feel brand new. Verse 1: When life didn’t go my way, when hope was lost and gone, Lord, I called on You. When nothing seemed…
Robert James's avatar
2024 50/90 Challenge song idea number 35 becomes finished song number 23. I like this one. I especially like the chorus. I probably like it because I've written exactly this same chorus over 100 times throughout the years. I like the start…
The Never Poet's avatar
The Never Poet's avatar
The Never Poet's avatar
The Never Poet's avatar
The Never Poet's avatar