alonetone radio: Popular
jupiter is going to be impossible to replace, she wrote this song in its entirety, i just helped line up the tracks a little. her voice is one of the finest i've heard, AND she used to sleep with me. If the Chimping continues without her is yet…
Rock from Atacama desert!
Music & lyrics: Diego Cardenas (Somno Project)
Diego Cardenas: Vocals, Keyboards, Guitars
Pedro Guzman: Vocals
Carmen Paz Nuñez: Bass
John Wooten: Drums
This song was created as a part of my song-per-month project for the month of May.
A song about meeting up with each other this year for some music and booze next week.
i need some space
i need some time
just to rehearse
for the viking dance
what should i wear
what should i bring
what will we sing…