alonetone radio: Latest
The R.T.D. (Rapid Transit District) was the city bus system out in Los Angeles that I rode profusely as a young man. This song's origins go back to 1980.
I'm singing the blues on this one. It's my attempt at a B.B. King style blues.
A country rock style song about the fantasy of winning the lottery and what I would do if I did. :)
A tongue-in-cheek political blues rock style song for the masses! :)
My first attempt at a whammy-bar blues rock style instrumental tune.
A blues shuffle style song inspired by something a poet said at an open mic.
If you got a problem with what’s coming out my mouth, take it up with the courts
Why would you go naked in front of some sort of fool who doesn’t think you are cool and then walk up in his mouth?
Did I just talk about something that doesn’t…
I was reminiscing meeting my wife for the first time and wrote this.....Hopefully its not too mushy The tele with an acoustic simulator on the Kemper and even tried a tiny bit of slide ...well three notes the organs were from the Logic Library…
Who needs a DAW anyway? The recording is me pressing foot switches for looper memory location number nine; guitars were recorded thru my pedalboard's various effects into my Boss RC-500.