alonetone radio: Latest
Thought VIOLET would be a nice ending for Dogwood Days. It's an instrumental foreshadowing me new and completely instrumental CD called WHAT MUST PASS. I'll be uploading tracks from this soon.
ambient car sounds --- in a live passage of driving for about 1/2 an hour --- it was raining the wipers were wiping --- yeah I get out of the car in the end and get back in on the passenger side then stop the live recording -- :)
Had a little help with the lyrics and melody on this one (thanks Fae!). I put it together kind of quickly. I might come back and revisit this one. So nice to be back in Logic and out of garage band. Oh the freedom.
Mostly a straight recording of jaw harp, but with some modified undercurrents. Submitted to Sound-In "Supermarket Themes..." for 1-8/9/2022.
for the sound-in supermarket sounds event this week --- they do sell the food stuff at walmart for less I guess... 000 I was in walmart and realized I had not gotten many instore sounds for the event and put my phone in record while in walmart…
This song is about being in prisoned for your believes, opinions and points of view.
Written on Good Friday on 4/19/14 at 5:30 pm EST.
What was going on:
People being killed in planes, boats and public places as if it were a hobby, a Russian…
Trying out a new strat: not letting myself work on details on the computer until the skeleton of the song is complete. Result is a lot of variety in songwriting, but a bit rougher arrangement/mix.
Yesterday I made a friend.
Someone I…
Another beautiful day at the factory where they manufacture cares, and I find that I am out of cares to pay.
I'm trying my hand at creating instrumentals for Sync Licensing. This track is actually one file containing 3 pieces of music: Orion's Belt 1, 2 & 3.
You can find my instrumentals on Pond5. Here is the address: