Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard's listening history

the bearded men stood up and left the room.'s avatar
another one from my rpm album. 3 bass tracks, no guitar. The original title for the song was "halfway to asstown" but the other night I was drinking whisky and for some reason I thought no one would listen to a song with that title so I changed…
the bearded men stood up and left the room.'s avatar
So exciting! My first song on here. Hope you all like it. It's from my RPM album, coincidently also named "toilet shrimp". Always looking for collaborators. Tired of doing everything myself.
the bearded men stood up and left the room.'s avatar
another one from my rpm album. 3 bass tracks, no guitar. The original title for the song was "halfway to asstown" but the other night I was drinking whisky and for some reason I thought no one would listen to a song with that title so I changed…
thiscausticautumn's avatar
ANOTHER ONE with no vocals yet. sorry. heh.
Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard's avatar
We're truly nowhere now, and there is no fight for who's king. Through a tear in two souls crawls the shapelessness of this dream. I lay down in the sun to spring leaks, when in pours my weight in dead fruit, under which the ground gives way…
Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard's avatar
Extravagant and clean and practised, oh, so very well, they pose and fall and knead and climb, unclothed yet practical. The ceiling sets the scene and I am reminded not to go. I'm at the mercy of this posthumous woe. Never seen again…
thiscausticautumn's avatar
ANOTHER ONE with no vocals yet. sorry. heh.
thiscausticautumn's avatar
This one sat around for quite a while collecting dust until I picked it up a couple days ago and started tinkering with it. I think I like it.
Breaking Light's avatar
I'll tell you one thing for sure... I wouldn't trust no words written down on no piece of paper, especially from no Dickinson out in the town of Machine... you're just as likely to find your own grave.
Breaking Light's avatar
The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn from the crow.