Reefwalker's listening history

Licoresse's avatar
This is something that needs more development and absolutely not finished yet. Thanks for listening
Thor's avatar
20100415 Mansfield University concert choir performing for the participants of the 2010 Vocal Jazz Festival.
cingalls76's avatar
vaisvil's avatar
Year: 2000 Album: You EP Artist's description: The moment before the first kiss..... part of a series that tried to combine what I liked in eastern indian instruments with western pop I apologize for the vocals. I was singing the root, fifth…
Endicott Road's avatar
Another angry song. My boss once handed me a spreadsheet about cost prices from vendors and said "I don't like the way this looks". I wondered if the upper management looked at salary costs the same way, and that led to this song.
pataphatrat's avatar
hooky chord is spiritual in nature,rather broad
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide's avatar
Norm's avatar
It was a curious and wondrous thing. One night I was in my studio adding some percussion to the "Quiet Rituals" track by Barry van Oudtshoorn, when my 4 young children (with whom I was long over-due to be tucking into bed and reading a bed…
Norm's avatar
It was a curious and wondrous thing. One night I was in my studio adding some percussion to the "Quiet Rituals" track by Barry van Oudtshoorn, when my 4 young children (with whom I was long over-due to be tucking into bed and reading a bed…