Rhonie's listening history

Rhonie's avatar
trying again - hope the full version loaded this time!
Keith Landry's avatar
The opening to a new little ditty... More to come as it progresses.
Rhonie's avatar
This is one of those happy accidents that pop out from time to time - with this one, I feel less is more, although a little re-mastering might not be a bad idea....
Rhonie's avatar
One of my first tunes from back in the day - another remix w/ The Core - a little rough around the edges - still workin on findin our groove, but I think it's gonna work into somethin pretty sweet.
Rhonie's avatar
Slow & w/feeling..... :-)
Rhonie's avatar
Slow & w/feeling..... :-)
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Came up with this Before bed last night. Had to record it this morning so I wouldn't forget the Sound of it... Live recording I'll do a better version when I have more time... Well.... Off to work for me... This is…
mmi's avatar
Today, the Ableton folks surprised us all with the release of 8.2 which came with a new plugin called Amp. Of course, that meant a bunch of presets to explore... Without aiming to do anything, I happened on these four presets (played simultaneously…
Taylor Franklyn's avatar
Get unbrainwashed...
kirklynch's avatar
Archival stuff from my distant past with former bandmates in Scartaglen. A set of traditional Irish tunes. Rescued from a cassette tape done at a concert back in the early 90's. Myself on Uilleann pipes and whistle. Mike dugger on guitar and fiddle…