Rhonie's listening history

Thomas Abel's avatar
The first movement of my first symphony. A sonata in Bb minor for orchestra.
vaisvil's avatar
(a setting of) The Conqueror Worm by Edgar Allen Poe LO! 't is a gala night Within the lonesome latter years. An angel throng, bewinged, bedight In veils, and drowned in tears, Sit in a theatre to see A play of hopes and fears, While the orchestra…
Dylan J. Valentino's avatar
This music portrays a point in my life where I began to realize just how precious time is and how I have been wasting it away and not doing anything about it.
Dylan J. Valentino's avatar
This song is about how we're always faced with discrimination on a daily basis but say nothing for fear of alienation.
brandonenglemusic's avatar
This is REALLY the final updated version of Barely Afloat! I know i've uploaded this a lot, but I kept making changes, and the stupid server wouldnt let me update it...so ya. Hopefully you guys like it, but comment, too, and let me know what you…
Celtic Wings's avatar
An old folk song of american origin which has been adopted by the Irish folk scene. It tells the story of a broke traveller who is so impressed by the hospitality and dark beauty of a Creolo girl that he asks her to marry him, but is turned down…
Rhonie's avatar
A little rough around the edges - but you get the idea...
Rhonie's avatar
Slow & w/feeling..... :-)
Rhonie's avatar
I was sittin @ the keys one mornin doin improv while in intercession - this is in part some of the fruit of that session - is based on Psalm 137
Rhonie's avatar
This is one of those happy accidents that pop out from time to time - with this one, I feel less is more, although a little re-mastering might not be a bad idea....