Rhonie's listening history
Sita was written, performed and recorded by Daniel Horrell
Tired of me was written and performed by Daniel Horrell and Recorded by Ben Biver
Either way we are all misunderstood was written performed and recorded by Daniel Horrell And Josh Marks
This is the opening track to our yet to be released concept album The Tower of Rust. It is sung by a dying man who is trying to remember important things that will help him in his next life (he's continually reincarnated until he completes a journey…
This is a fictional song...I get asked this all the time and I don't want anyone thinking my dad did anything like this...got you covered pops! LOL! Anyway, it's a song about child abuse and that's a tough subject to tackle but I think I did it…
Track is from our concept album "The Tower of Rust".
Seems to be that one song everyone likes.
Stary night, the highway fades
a hundred miles and I'm on my way
I got up late
Lazy days and even crazier nights
there she was, on her way
she stuck her thumb out for me to see…
Thanks to Sister Savage for helping us debut our new project. As busy as she is, Sister managed a bit of time and some great Jovian vox for us.
This piece or art is unique, sublime, and psychedelic.
2010 Savigear-Reyes-Lennon
Something I did last year - A song about the crazy college days (Or Uni where applicable :) )
Bad Old Days
Everybody's drinking their wine
Driving slow and taking their time
Better off when I sip moonshine
Not rubbing alcohol 'cause I…