Rick Maurer's listening history

Cave Street's avatar
This is a rough mix of a track I did with the one & only Norm Harris. I've got some vocals in mind, but it may take some time to put it together, so meanwhile here's the instrumental version. Big thanks & major props to Norm…
dave e. nation's avatar
dave e. nation's avatar
eee's avatar
like should i mix this one with the last one to see what I get you know in the track for track form :>>
Permanent Tourist's avatar
An irrational fear of marriage.
Permanent Tourist's avatar
Something different.
creeper's avatar
This is the 'single'. Its short, punchy and dead simple. Like 1 chord simple but it builds like a mix of Foo Fighters and NIN. I had lots of fun with the midi, you can get some great sounds out of. I'm rather proud of this one... as you can tell…
creeper's avatar
The journey through the static continues. This one changed quite a bit from start to finish product. I hope you all like it.
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
his song is just an experiment or at least started that way. Based on an "Ultrabeat" groove ( the only loops ) I added parts and sang an "Off the cuff" vocal and mixed and tweaked. Mostly Midi parts played through my cheesy Midi controller but…
diegesisfreak's avatar