Rick Phillips's listening history
Tried my hand at lead guitar on this one for a different flavor, Thanks to Norm for his percussion magic!
Got my 70's on...lots of cool loops from Garageband and various effects on my acoustic guitar... Sit back and enjoy!
A second version with the initial lead guitar standing alone...a little cluttered after a few listens and some constructive feedback!
Norm's Groove for St Monica inspired this one. Thanks Norm!
Lead Guitar, bass guitar and acoustic guitar…
Deadlines, freeways, appointments, things to do lists, expectations, getting older, not enough hours in the day to get everything done? ..... make each day and moment count! Thanks to Dave Matthews for a lick I threw in there. Enjoy!
My composition and Jack's (johnson) on my new custom Gwaltney acoustic www.gwaltneyguitars.com to highlight the bass response!
North Shore of Oahu, spectacular views, open space and starry nights
Endless picking up the needle and putting it down on Yes's Steve Howe in the 70's got me this far!
Prayers to the folks in Japan, We dodged a bullet in Hawaii!