Rick Phillips's listening history

epimeison's avatar
This one is, again, from the early 90's, and was originally a bass line. So imagine it an octave down. I hope you like and/or enjoy.
epimeison's avatar
This is another composition from the early 90, and also a bass line. I added some arrengements to it, and it was, eventually, the third part of a long 'spacial' suite called 'Mars'. I could upload the 'part one' bass line one day, which I think…
epimeison's avatar
This one is, again, from the early 90's, and was originally a bass line. So imagine it an octave down. I hope you like and/or enjoy.
Rick Phillips's avatar
Prayers to the folks in Japan, We dodged a bullet in Hawaii!
epimeison's avatar
I'm sorry for this one. Not the whole song, not well done, nothing... but it fits my mood today. And i love it. Edit, uploaded a new version with some storm recording in the background and re equalized. I think it's better now.
Sudara's avatar
View the footage with music [at youtube](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQZDRKD8oSA&hd=1) After watching the video of the tsunami devastating the shores of Japan, I couldn't work anymore. So instead I sat down to dedicate a few hours of…
Rick Phillips's avatar
Prayers to the folks in Japan, We dodged a bullet in Hawaii!
Keith Landry's avatar
The contrast of this aging "summer boy" and his outdoors-loving daughter who is more than happy to run out into the cold. Late December Late December The nights get so long Turning embers In the dark before dawn Late December For…
The Areyoumadatme?s's avatar
This instrumental song is about the rabbit in the moon. Fact: the ancient Aztecs measured drunkenness in number of rabbits. Like, "Oh, cheg out Bill, he's 300 rabbits." "Dude, I was like 230 rabbits last week and I got kicked out of the Florida…
The Areyoumadatme?s's avatar